Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thank You

I recently received something from Sick Kids Hospital giving their condolences for our loss and thanking us for making them our charity of choice. We were also informed that $2365.00 has been raised in Isabella's name and the donations are continuing to come in. Thank you to all who have donated in Isabella's name. We are one step closer to saving an innocent child's life.

On behalf of Frank and Isabella, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Chris M said...

AMAZING! Great news Marisa, thanks for the update.

Lucy said...

That's wonderful! That money will go a long to helping other children in need. Marisa, Frank and Isabella, you are all amazing!

Angie said...

That's great Marisa! Can't wait to see what we will add to it after the walk / run fundraiser. Thanks for letting us know.

Mary Gatti said...

With all the love that we have for Isabella, you and Frank that amount will only grow and grow!

Mom said...

For those who had the pleasure of meeting Isabella you will understand; it is only fitting that even after Bella's passing she will have touched so many children.
An Angel forever.

Paula said...


How great this is to donate on behalf of your angel. I must say that she is our angel too! To know that she may help another child, how wonderful is that. Life lives on through our angel Isabella.

Love to you,
Paula xoxo