Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

It is Thanksgiving weekend and Frank and I have decided that we would spend the weekend on our own. I know that Bella is probably not happy with my decision because she loved being with her family and I am sure that she wants us to be happy. I just think that this is what we need at this time. Don't get me wrong, I love being with my family but the holidays are just to hard.

This time last year, Frank,Bella and I spent the day at the Pumpkin Patch. We went on a wagon ride, and looked at all of the pumpkins. Isabella loved being outside and loved it even more because she was doing it with Mommy and Daddy. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I wish more then anything that I could go back to that day.

I spent some time today thining about what I am Thankful for. I came up with the little list below.

I am thankful for....
My family
My faith
My memories
My friends
All of the greiving parents that I have met along the way
My husband who means the world to me
My daughter Isabella who is my world
The nine months of carrying Isabella and the 18 months that I got to spend with my baby girl.

On this Thanksgiving weekend I am Thankful for many things. Thank you to all of the people who allow me to cry, scream or just be silent. But most of all thank you for continuing to speak of Isabella and for loving her as much as you did when she was with us. Thank you Isabella for showing me true love and for making me the most proud mom in the world.


michelle said...

What a beautiful pic. Isabella had two amazing parents. I hope you try and enjoy Thanksgiving; of course I could say the same about myself. Codie's family is coming over, I am hoping that will help. Thinking of you both and Isabella

Lucy said...

We support and respect every decision you and Frank make about how you chose to handle each given day. You are both amazing parents and you have the most incredible daughter.
I am tankful to have Isabella as my niece and Goddaughter. Knowing and loving her has made me a better person.
She is with all of us this Thanksgiving weekend and everyday. I feel her presence and love all of the time.

Christine Cosentino said...

Hope you know that those who love you and Cheech and thankful for the both of you :)
